The Meaning of Four Continues

Good evening,

In kindergarten this week, we are continuing with the concept of four on our tens frame. This time both levels of the tens frames were use.  The tens frame below is one of the examples from class.
Students are beginning to understand that four dots arrange anywhere on the tens frame is four. 
Only one student continues to struggle with subitizing four:
Teacher: So how many do you see.
Student: I see three over here and one more over there to the right.
Teacher: Well, lets count the dots.
Student: One, two, three, and (with hesitation) four.
Teacher: So now how many dots do you see?
Student: I see four.

After having this student to actually count the dots, she realizes that there are four dots and not three and one more.
A couple students manipulated the dots to where they could recognize immediately there were four. This is fine. However, I want them to move from counting to actually readily knowing that there are four dots. Until then, the kindergarten teacher and I will continue using NT to build student capacity to subitize and quantify numbers.



  1. Love to see that you are working with Kindergarten

    1. I started a couple of years ago with new teachers. But could not get in depth.

  2. Yes I have one that still counts so I do the quick images for him. That way he knows he doesn't have enough time to count.

    1. Awesome. I'm going to model that for the k teacher. Instead of going to five.


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