Getting Ready!!!!

Sunday August 9, 2015

Well, another school year is here! I'm so excited to see my Mighty Champion Scholars on Tuesday especially the incoming fifth graders. I saw a  fifth grade student tonight, and he is ready for a multiplication assessment. He asked me in the store "When are we going to have a times table assessment?" I told him sometimes this week. Be ye ready! This brings me to Ongoing Assessment Project (OGAP)training involving multiplicative thinking. The multiplication assessment will have some drill type problems. But I will change it up to reflect the OGAP training I received. My goal is determine if  students understand what multiplicative reasoning means conceptually. Therefore, he will receive a different type of assessment to determine his level on the multiplicative framework. From this, I will develop a Number Talk sequence and other strategies to help develop their reasoning. I will blog about the outcome of this project. I am excited!


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