
Showing posts from September, 2022

Tea on the Hill Volume II

  Welcome back to the Tea on the Hill!  I’m pretty sure you have been waiting on this post. So let’s start this week's tea. We have a brand new preservice teacher, Ms. Cassidy who is also a member of SGA. This is also her first time teaching Number Talks to other seniors and juniors' preservice teachers. She followed the rules for Number Talk, in which students had to put their fists to their chests because they were ready to start. The image was shown for 3 to 5 seconds to determine how many dots they saw. After the image is displayed, students were asked, “How many did you see?”, “How do you see it?”. Now this time, we didn't have a challenge going on to defend the answer. Everyone agreed on “12,” but we did have a lot of students respond to the many ways how they saw “12”. Students responded with two different answers: Multiplication and Addition. Now don’t go too far because the tea is getting good. Come back next week because we are mixing some lemonade with this tea a...

Let's Spill the Tea about The Hill!!!!

  Let’s Spill the Tea about The Hill:   So how about our very own senior preservice teacher, Taugene Morris, taught NumberTalks? And not just Number Talks. But  Number Talks with ten frames using dots. This was her very first time teaching it to other senior and junior preservice teachers. She challenged the students to view the slide for 3 to 5 seconds to determine how many dots they saw. After the seconds, she asked questions  such, “How many did you see?”, “How you saw it ?”. One Student responded “12,” and other students said “15”. Students then had to defend whether to pick twelve or fifteen. They decided to go with fifteen, and the question was asked, “how did you see it?” Students responded with three different answers: multiplication, addition, and division. Now that was some excellent tea on The Hill. Come back next week for more  Tea on the Hill. McVay, S., & Massey, J.( 2022). Let's spill the teach about the hill.

Number Talks: New Year! New Crew!!

  August 29, 2022                                    Number Talks: New Year! New Crew! This is my favorite time of the school year! Math Methods! A new group of teacher candidates to influence to become excellent mathematics teachers. A new group of students to discuss evidence-based math practices. Today we discussed several concepts such as different math representations. For example, PSTs were challenged to represent 3/5 visually, symbolically, physically, and contextually. A couple of my teacher candidates used a number line to represent 3/5. I was impressed. Of course, we engaged in a Number Talks session at the end of the lesson.  To recap, Number Talks (NT) is a teaching and learning method that helps to develop efficient, flexible, and accurate computation strategies. The strategies build upon the key foundational idea of mathematics (Parrish, S. 2014). According to Parrish(2014),...