
Showing posts from November, 2020

Teaching Fractions Online

  Teaching Fractions online to Preservice Teachers Late in the semester, I usually teach fractions to my preservice teachers.  For the first week, I teach my students how to recognize fractions with various models and how to model fractions without using conventional methods. For week two, I teach ordering fractions with like and unlike denominators. For the third and fourth week, I teach students how to estimate the operation of fractions and how to operationalize fractions using models and reasoning skills. This year is different. The COVID challenged me to teach fractions online!!!  This year I taught fractions online. The concept of Fractions is very hard to learn even for preservice teachers.  It is hard to teach factions face to face. Well, it is even harder online.  First, the nature of how I teach fraction challenges how they learn the concept in elementary school. They are used to procedural knowledge like converting to common decimals and common denomi...