
Showing posts from September, 2019
Seek Understanding This video is resurfacing on Facebook again. The video has two settings in a form of a comparison. On the left, a teacher is explaining multi digit multiplication using the open array model. On the right, a person completes the multi digit multiplication problem using the US standard algorithm, makes coffee, and completes  other various activities. In essence, the goal is to compare the time it takes to perform what they call Common Core math (I was doing this method prior to CCSS) to the US traditional algorithm. The purpose of this blog post is not to reject any of these methods. Both methods are essential to understanding the concept of multi digit multiplication. The goal of this post is to open minds to look at both methods as means to achieve a goal and to convey that one method helps to understand and builds the othe...
September 9, 2019 It is always fun to do a Number Talk with Preservice Teachers!!!! I want them to get really versed and comfortable with it. I want them to recognized each others strategies and pull out the various domains and properties of mathematics. The NT for this week was a little more challenging from the week before. Again, we are using dot images to build multiplicative strategies and to strengthen algebraic thinking like order of operations and the properties. This first image included 15 dots. This one was pretty simple. You can subitize 5 because of the prior knowledge with dots on dice and playing cards.  PTK said she saw 5+5+5.  PTE skip counted by 2 until 12 then counted on until she arrive at 15.  PTC said he multiplied 3x5 because he saw three groups of 5. The second images was a little difficult. PTC said she saw 5 +4 +5. Then added left to right.  PTK said she saw 5 +3+3+3. Then added left to right.  The third ima...