
Showing posts from October, 2015

Presentation at ACTM!

It has been a while since my last post. Thanks for your patience. I have been continuosly working with kindergarten class with NT. They are seeing 7 in many different ways. Students are subitizing 3 and 4 dots at a time. KeUndre and Christopher can subitize 5. Some students are exploring couting by two and use couting on as a strategy. These students are making great progress. This blog is about presenting at ACTM. My colleauge LaTesa Sanders and I presented Thursday morning. LaTesa Sanders is the math coach at Hard Elementary. Sanders and I have had several conversations about NT in the past and have wanted to present our findings. So I wrote a proposal and it was accepted.  The participants of our session were teacher with various background such as  elementary schools, middle school, AMSTI reps, and preservice teachers. We discuss the impact NT had on our students' mathematical thinking and the importance of planning. We also allowed teachers to participate. Yes, they had ...

Brief Post

Good evening This will be a brief post. I left my notes at work. I know I will not do the happenings in kindergarten full justice. However, I did want to discuss how one student subitize 5 during the NT this week. Of course, kindergartens know the routine-fist to your chest, thumbs up for the answer, and the agree sign. I love they know this when I walk through the door. AWESOME. The teacher and I are involved with side by side coaching as way to strengthen students counting abilitiy.  I want to focus this post on Christopher. This particular student had trouble with attention during the sessions. So I took him and the four girls to my room to see if having a small group will be beneficial for them with the next NT. Sort of like flip teaching. I used a tens frame again with six dots- two on top and three on the bottom. But the arrange was quite different. This is a conversation between me and the little fellow: Teacher: How many do you see? Christopher: I see 5 and 1. Teacher:...